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A member registered May 29, 2021

Recent community posts

Quando vai sair para Android ?

Android ?


Haruki icon does not appear for me when and to choose route


Alones community · Created a new topic .


(2 edits)

A legenda desaparece quando tento fala com amble e jog

(1 edit)

Tem um problema com o texto em português, certas letras não aparecem.

A movimentação da caverna e muito travada para quem jogo no Android 

what do i do after the quest of the portions i have already completed?


(1 edit)

Gostei muito do jogo,mais o MC precisa ser mudado pq  ele parece muito com uma criança


Hehe eu entendo 

Wayfinder (v1.9.2) community · Created a new topic .

Is there a server on discord?
when will the next update be?

Ícone "Verificada pela comunidade"

how many routes are there?

Is the character we play a human?

will have an Android version?

Ícone "Verificada pela comunidade"

Do you have a forecast for when the first part will come out?
what time will it be updated?
does this game have a server on discord?

does this game have a server on discord?

even so this game is very cute

how many chapters will the game have?🌚🤔

have a server on discord?

when will it launch for Android?
to rub?!
rub what?!😳🤔
have a server on discord?

How long does each chapter have playing time?🤔

is it open to fans of this game?

does this game have a server on discord?

does this game have a server on discord?
has the game updated?

before you ask i don't speak english i use a screen translator app

Ícone "Verificada pela comunidade"

I'm tired I'm going to sleep ..... I'm tired of translating this to English, I wish this game had the language in Portuguese


I wonder if there was a problem in the game?